Recalled (2021)

Recalled is a South Korean thriller that came out in 2021 in the language of korean.

How I watched: Viki Rakuten

For the short of it: When a woman involved in an accident returns home, she gets terrifying visions of the future.

The long of it? 

So yeah, Viki Rakuten is a recent streaming platform that I immersed myself into. It's a free app for asian tv shows and movies. Technically it IS free but I swear to jeebus the ads on there is worse than YouTube itself. I caved and got their special discount on their first ever International K-Drama Day event on November 29th so now I watch ad free for a year at 29% off. No, this ain't a sponsored post lol I just think a lot of people sleep on Viki Rakuten. There's some great gems on here. Dark Hole is one show I highly recommend, currently recapping it on my TV blog.

I figured with such a bad ass show like Dark Hole, there's just GOT to be some awesome movies on there too. I scrolled and there honestly doesn't seem to be much that quite matches my interest until I came across Recalled.

So this movie is about a woman named Soo-Jin who awakens in a hospital and by the looks of it, she looks beat TF up!! Heavily bandaged and bruised, she seemed to have lost a portion of her memory. She doesn't even remember her husband, Ji-Hoon but hey at least they have each other.

And like immediately returning home, various people that she comes into contact with she gets these That's So Raven-esque visions of impending doom and she naturally freaks the fuck out and gets into meddling mode to get to the bottom of it. She starts suspecting everyone around her...even her hubby!

She's starts to wonder shit like...Why the fuck am I going to Canada?! Why the fuck do I see these terrifying deaths?! Why the fuck does no one believe me?! Why the fuck am I seeing a different guy in my wedding picture?! BRUHHHHHH.

Despite this movie sounding like a typical thriller, there are some twists and turns in this movie that was greatly welcomed. Like seriously. When the great reveal became known, I noticed there was like at least 30 minutes left of the movie and I was like WHAAAAT?! What more could they possibly do for this movie?!?!

Oh boy, how wrong I was.

There was an additional plot twist in the movie and it just made the movie more sad, which was their obvious intent because I admit I cried like a baby in the end. It was executed rather beautifully if I do say so myself. It had a really gripping end.

I must admit, I originally almost passed up this movie entirely but by that time I was already halfway through the movie and I think I was falling asleep and my dumb ass nodded off a bit and right before I actually crashed out was when shit hit the fan but I was too sleepy and it was too late for me to keep watching so I watched the rest the following night. The rest is history.

Not a bad movie. Not even horror but has terrifying elements to it that totally matches the vibe of this blog. So if you are looking for a movie to scare the churros out of you then this is not the movie for it. Still a decent mystery thriller that I'd totally be down to circle back and watch again. All around lovely movie, got a few disturbing pings from me once or twice when it came to all those grand reveals one after another like whooaaaa. 

While we are at it, give Viki Rakuten a shot. They offer a free 7 day trial that you can watch ad free. I tried with my might to watch on the free version just holy hell the ads just drove me bananas after a few months. I mean, as long as you DO NOT rewind/fast forward a lot or at all, you won't run into the problems I did. Otherwise, you might be able to bear through the pain. I'm just weak sauce. 

Wish I could say more about this movie without giving away major spoilers but trust, it's a decent thriller. That or wait another 11 months for my Year in Review posts where I practically spoil everything. 

With that being said, what is my verdict?

Nice take to an overused plot

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