Trauma (2017)


Trauma is a Chilean horror movie that came out in 2017 in the language of Spanish.

How I watched: Tubi

Update: Yo, I will be posting more of the hella disturbing picks when it comes to horror movies starting today, every Tuesday. I'm just tired of browsing r/DisturbingFilms seeing the same titles thrown around with me not knowing a clue about it 75% of the time. My body is ready. And I'm going down the list. It will be known as Terrible Tuesdays. Sound cheesy? COPE.

For the short of it: This movie is about 4 women who travel to a small town and become the targets of a grotesque father and son with a very disturbing legacy and inflict horror upon these women.

The long of it? Aye dios mio

There was a period where I got straight up frustrated with the "horror" selections at my disposal when trying to view my next horror movie. As I've thoroughly stated before that I seek out recommendations from either other blogs and Reddit threads, more often than not, I'll get such noob answers. I can only see so many Hostel and Saw suggestions so many dang times. 

And then there was Trauma.

I honestly tried watching this movie months ago and fucking hell, the opening scene was so fucking brutal but I powered through it. The second I heard a baby's cry, I turned that shit off and shelved this movie because no shit asking why. To hell with that. 

Well, today after being bored over so NOT scary movies to choose from, I decided to take the plunge at this movie again. I made sure to skip through the baby scene. From what I've read elsewhere, it was nothing graphic or shown on screen but it was the implication behind it and I just plain 'ol abhor hearing a baby's cry in any context. 2 minutes skipped. Rather skipping too much than too little and I ain't taking any chances, bro. 

If you read that this movie is based on true events, it's as true as Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The only thing factual about this movie was the atrocities themselves being inflicted upon the Chilean people during the reign of Augusto Pinochet starting in 1978. Not to be taken lightly either. People were literally abducted from their homes and placed in sex torture chambers. 

This movie though? My apologies for not getting right to it but 4 young women, consisting of a pair of sisters, their cousin and the girlfriend of one of the sisters travel to a rural part of Chile. They find out really quickly that them being women are not welcomed at all. They get peeked and perved on by gross men at a nearby bar. Luckily there is one good samaritan who tells them to fuck off. How nice.

Until it becomes not nice.

Later the night, the same scruffy man and his adult son break in their rented room and assault them. I'm just going to put that lightly. It is literally a million times more grotesque and depraved than you are led to believe. I had a seriously hard time watching this scene and as it turns out, the director told the actor playing the antagonist to "not hold back". Well he certainly did NOT hold back at all.

Like, what the fuck did I get myself into picking this movie again?

How does this correlate to the plot you may ask? Well The old man here is actually the son in the opening scene. The trauma inflicted upon him, he inflicted upon his now grown up son. If is also implied they have an incestuous relationship too so ew. 

Everything about this movie is just insanely fucking sick. This movie really is soul crushing.

Over the course of the movie there is flashbacks to the sexual tortures of what was inflicted upon the people and jesus...they even used live rats. WTF. All of this is obviously for shock value but the point of this movie is the inflicted assaults really did happen to the victims. The events of this movie itself however did not. Which was cringy as hell too as the women made a lot of wack ass decisions I totally could not comprehend.

You could say this movie is a sort of revenge movie in a sense but man. The brutality in here is just so disturbing. I later learned that this movie was marketed to be a worse version of A Serbian Film which was one of the movies I swear I will never watch. Yet here I am, I literally watched 98% of Trauma. Well that shit totally gave me trauma I tell ya what.

I wanted to see a fucked up movie and I sure as hell did. I think I regret it. The imagery was wack. The actress' constant screams in distress with forever echo in my trauma filled brain for the years to come.  So there's that.

With that being said, what is my verdict?

totes le fucked

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