About This Blog

Halloween a few years and a few states back

Hey there! Welcome to my blog. I am no one special, just a 30 something mexican woman who loves death metal and scary movies and decided to combine the two! Not so sure anymore if I even like the name of my blog. Horrortized. So cringy! I just chat about horror movies I come across and want to bring to light foreign movies more than anything else. If I ever said it was a review blog somewhere then I totally take it back! 

And yes, I am the only person who runs this blog and if it ever gets shut down, bookmark my backup blog. It's currently just random updates/anecdotes that wouldn't fit here.

Please don't take my blog too seriously. I just utilize this as a a fun way to pass my free time. I won't blame ya if you click X and never see this blog again. If you do though, then by all means, enjoy my random banter along with a metal band from the same country of said post linked at the bottom of everyone post. Which was kaput for a while but is making a comeback in 2024!

Even longer ago probably when I was 15 years old


At this time, I do not have contact information where I can be reached but that may change in the future as I might restart my Instagram and other social medias eventually once I get more in the hang of this. I have other side blog too! Be sure to check those out. My attention goes everywhere and randomly intense if that's what you're wondering.

And don't forget to check out my Horror Movie Spreadsheet (it's free, yo!)

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