Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985)

Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood is a Japanese movie that came out in 1985 in the language of Japanese.

How I watched: Youtube

For the short of it: Lots of le torture...again.

The long of it:

To my immediate regret, here I am viewing the 2nd movie in the Guinea Pig series. Why. Oh lordy why do I do this to myself? This movie starts off along the same lines as the first movie but this time with the inclusion of a brief snippet of the pursuit and abduction of a young woman. There is also a caption, again, much like the first movie. The caption said something along the lines of the "footage" we are about to see was a result of a crazed fan sending random shit to this cartoonist. it is.

The rest of the movie is just this woman tied up to a table while this dude just hacks away at the poor woman.

With a run time of 41 minutes, you can see why there's really not much to tell about Guinea Pig 2, if one wants to really call it that, anyway. 

I will say, though, that this woman's muffled screams of distress is much more realistic sounding compared to the first movie. That's why I just couldn't take the 1st one seriously but this lady's muffled screams had me shooketh, I say. SHOOKETH!

All in all, it's not an entertaining movie because the rest of this movie is literally the man stripping the woman down to her undergarments and cutting off limbs while she is incapacitated after being injected with a substance. 

He uses various tools from his handy dandy table where each tool apparently serves a purpose to whatever step he is in next. So...good thing she can't feel pain from this point forward???

I promise you, you are NOT missing out on anything by not watching this movie. It's way more graphic and gorey compared to the first one. I mean, that was probably their point but still! 

Fun little fact: Charlie Sheen has watched this movie and was totally convinced this was an actual snuff film. So much that he in fact contacted the FBI over it! Not kidding, bro. He legit thought a woman was being REALLY dismembered for a movie. I can't even. I suppose good on him for doing his due diligence as a citizen but...ehhh I personally thought it was pretty obviously fake albeit graphicly revolting but fake.

For example, the part where the man chops off her hand first and disconnects it from the bone. First off, ew. Second, the hand...need I say more?

Why do people make these type of movie needless to say watch said content? Something with no real backstory? I just don't get it. I got the creeps the entirety of this movie. The hacking away parts started around the 15 minute mark I think? Very little spoken scenes and it's all from the guy.

All I can say is that I still get super shudderz when I watch Misery (Kathy Bates and James Caan) in particular that scene where Kathy Bates character takes a hammer to James Caan's ankles to shatter him immobile. If you can't handle that scene without wincing, then please, stay the fuck away from this movie.

It's weird, I honestly find 80's and older the most heart clenching when it comes to gore because it gives me that homemade feeling. Movies like VHS just doesn't cut it for me. Then again, it's been years last I've seen it. Definitely due for a revisit, I tell ya what. That's why I don't blame Charlie Sheen for the most part for thinking this was real as fuck. Certain angles absolutely looked a little too real. However, there are a few tell tale signs so I am honestly constantly fluctuating between.

Seeing this movie ONCE is totally enough for me. Around the 29 minutes mark is where he disembowels her and perhaps it was a bad idea for me to eat while watching this movie because WHAT THE FUCK. I tried all in my power to just imagine it was gummy worms swimming in red jello. I just had to keep repeating that to myself. Gummy worms swimming in red jello. Gummy worms swimming in red jello...

Bleh. Gross movie.

With that being said, what is my verdict?

ICK Ick ICK ick

If you are interested in watching Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood, then please CLICK HERE to see which streaming platforms you can watch it on via the free streaming guide app, JUSTWATCH!

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