Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985)

Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a Japanese found footage horror film that came out in 1986 in the language of Japanese.

How I watched: Youtube

For the short of it: Lots of le torture. 

The long of it? Uhhh....Happy Terrible Tuesday. You're going to need it because this entry is going to be a doozy!

As a preface, I stated in my Trauma post that I intend to go down a personal list of various movies I see frequented in r/DisturbingFilms and majority are actually held in high esteem. So I guess I am sharing with you my current journey of that so...thanks for joining me? 

I already watched Trauma and it was a very difficult watch. Fucking hell that was oh so hard to get through. Next movie is Guinea Pig series starting with the #1 which is called Devil's Experiment. Even though I didn't know at all about this movie I always was overcome with a sense of dread each time I came across that title which is why I took my sweet ass time to seek it out.

Until today.

I was surprised it is on YouTube, actually despite the effedup website watermark. I would later learn that there is a lot of extremely disturbing things on YouTube that shouldn't be there but that's a post for another day.

Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a short 43~ minute movie. It's mostly ok if you can't find the subs for your language because there really isn't much of any spoken lines in this film. You would only need to know the caption in the beginning of the movie which stated that a person received this video as was thought to be an experiment to test people's tolerance of pain and a corrosion of senses or something but upon viewing this tape it was nothing more than the torture of a young woman. The rest of the movie is all the torture segments in its entirety. Fake, of course. But that this is the extent of the plot to this movie. 

The only face that is shown is a nameless woman who is wearing a white gown sitting on a chair where men take turns repeatedly slapping her until their hands get tired. This is just one of the segments. 

Each segment gets more and more brutal. It goes from repeatedly kicking her while she is on the floor, hands bound together the whole time to spinning her around in a chair for hours and hours which is unintentionally funny. Yo, I did this as a kid for FUN! I have vivid memories of my dumb ass younger self (90s kid) doing this for the LOLz since I went through periods without cable tv (sometimes even without electricity) and I would have to invent ways to amuse myself. I even used to point my head to a ceiling and just spin around trying to concentrate on a certain point on those popcorn ceiling thingys which eventually transitioned to spinning myself in a spin chair and run acting like I'm drunk. I was a kid so shaddup. Buuuut I did not do this for hours on end so I can only imagine the real repercussions on the brains at that extremity. 

One thing I did notice though is that the woman that is being tortured throughout this movie generally just made whimpers. Through all the slapping, kicking, girl literally had PLIERS to twisting her skin and nails and she didn't scream as much as she did in this next segment. Did she really have a high tolerance of pain or something? One of the few times did she really make noises above a whimper was the Sound segment. Headphones were taped to her ears for 20+ hours of continuous wind sucking noises at high volume. That shit can really drive you crazy I tell ya what.

It's an 80s movie so I totally get it with all the acting. Reddit peeps really did hype up this movie. Don't get me wrong, this is totally a depraved movie but at least I went in expecting it to be so I honestly wasn't too much taken aback by the grotesqueness of it. Seriously though, this movie is sick AF. Not in the cool way either. 

I honestly lost count of all the segments because there was quite a bit. Towards the end is when shit really shits the fan. I'm talking about needle going through the eye ball type of shit. That was the only time I quivered in fear. Like holy fuck that looks so fucking real!! Just so you know it's totally not because there is a video out there that shows the making of with all the special effects and stuff. Man oh man it never gets easy watching that scene again. (Yes, I ended up watching this movie twice)

All in all, there was literally no plot to this movie whatsoever aside from that short caption. It is only "found footage" of all these insane beatings and mutilations. It is pretty sickening. Anyone who says this is their favorite movie needs to get Barney to get crunk with their morals.

I personally wouldn't recommend this movie if you can't get past the more "mainstream" horror movies like Hostel or Human Centipede. If you can't pass the vibe check on those then don't even bother even trying to watch this movie. This will keep you up at night. I was able to watch and I slept just fine though. Not a flex but get your shit in order before even thinking about viewing this movie. I only watched this movie for the sake of saying I actually watched it. And then I watched it again.

No, I got no joy at all whatsoever watching this movie. I often wonder what is my end goal when I choose to pick such depraved movies like this. Movies that have no actual plot and is just straight up torture. I couldn't tell ya quite honestly. 

This movie is only part of a long line in the Guinea Pig series so expect me to go through the rest of the series in due time. There is also an American version of this. I will probably get into that eventually.

With that being said, what is my verdict?

Cray cray

If you are interested in watching Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment then please CLICK HERE to see which streaming service you can watch it on via the free streaming guide app, JUSTWATCH! Let's face it, it will never be on there. It's on YouTube so rejoice. Also on Internet Archive

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