Turbo Kid (2015)

Turbo Kid is a Canadian action horror movie that came out in 2015 in the language of English.

How I Watched: Peacock Premium

For the short of it: This movie is about a kid in a post apocalyptic alternate world of 1997 where he decides to take on the persona of a comic book hero and wreck shit up.

The long of it? Hold my gnomestick...

Off Topic Blog Update: I apologize for the lackluster past couple of posts. All JW links are now updated at the bottom of the respective posts. Not like anyone cares but I went through a rough patch which affected the blog but I am on the road to recovery now and things will only go uphill from here. Band of the Day will take a temporary pause as well. Thanks for reading! 

Taking place in the wastelands referred in the movie as...The Wastelands, this movie centers on a nameless dude referred as The Dude. Nah, just kidding. The Kid. The Kid is our main character and is all he is called for the remainder of the movie. Anyways, he is a loner who is seen just vibin' and survivin'. He struggles to get by while selling worthless junk to only get paid with dirty ass water. Not fun but no choice either and he knows it. He just sucks it up and jams out.

With very little means to escape the dreary reality he turns to outdated novelties like the walkman and a comic book. He geeks out to Turbo Rider. While he is enjoying himself he meets Apple. A freaking android but she's incredibly lifelike it's freaky. Taken aback of how disturbingly friendly she is, he tries to lose her.

Yeah, that ain't happening.

She decides she wants to be BFFs with him and while The Kid gets annoyed as fuck towards this android, he does end up warming up to her eventually.

Things come to a head where he is compelled to channel his inner super hero he oh so admired in his beloved comics when the evil baddie of the movie captures Apple and shit just goes crazy from there. Not without a little help along the way.

Really not much to say about this movie. Turbo Kid has a retro feel in many aspects. The soundtrack, cinematography, slang, special effects. if you especially love synthwave 80s styled music then this is the movie for you. It doesn't quite qualify as a horror movie but it does have some horror elements.

For example...the bloody death scenes. It's not to be taken seriously and that's what I love most about it. It's a great homage to the 80s era that it's really hard to not like it...unless you are a diehard movie connoisseur that judges every movie if it's worthy of an Oscar or some shit. Enjoy the movie as is because it is meant to have that kind of charm to it. Deaths are pretty graphic but it is by far still enjoyable to watch.

Storyline? Eh, it is pretty cheesy but I won't knock the movie for that.

Fun Fact: This movie originated as a short film that was intended as a submission to a contest to be in the first ABC's of Death movie. While T is for Turbo didn't win, it still impressed the movie's producer enough to make a full length film and it is an instant cult classic. A music video got released a few years later as a prequel along with the news that a sequel is coming but the latest information regarding it is from 2020. I won't hold my breath as the movie itself is amazing as is.

Behind this film is a trio of directors who also appear in the movie albeit minor roles so that's pretty cool! 

To be honest, I knew about this movie literally when it came out. I saw a trailer on it many moons ago and at this point, it wasn't released. I waited and waited until it was available to buy on Amazon so I sure as fuck bought the dang movie. Over the years it has been made much more widely available on other streaming platforms. Even free ones. Can you believe it's almost 10 years since the movie?! Time sure does fly.  I'm biased because I can't count how many times I have rewatched this movie over and over through the years. It used to be way easier back when it was on Netflix but it has since been removed. Luckily, there are many free streaming apps it is currently available on. Fuck yeah.

With that being said, what is my verdict?

It's welcomed in my personal bubble 

If you are interested in watching Turbo Kid, then please CLICK HERE to see which streaming services you can watch it on via the free streaming guide app, JUSTWATCH!

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