Kuntilanak 2 (2019)

Kuntilanak 2 is an Indonesian horror movie that came out in 2019 in the language of indonesian.

How I watched: Youtube (more info at the bottom of the post)

For the short of it: In this sequel, Dinda's biological mother enters the picture and Ms. Dona thinks she is sketch as hell.

Yes, I finally got around to finally make a post on this sequel after nearly a year that I posted about the first Kuntilanak movie. Alright there's good news and bad news. Maybe even worse news. Good news is that you don't exactly need to watch the first movie in order to watch this one as this sequel works well as a stand alone. Bad news is that it's not easily accessible on a streaming platform, you have to take a couple of extra steps to watch. Worse news: even if you wanted to watch the first movie, it got removed from Netflix (USA) which is where I previously was able to watch it. More details on that at the end of the post. For the purposes of this movie being a tad cumbersome to find, I'll be a bit more play-by-play for the events of this movie more than usual.

For a quickie recap: the first movie was an intro to the ghost in the mirror that lured children to kill them. The aforementioned mirror finds itself in a house with 5 children that come to the quick realization of WTF they are up against. Long story short, they defeat the monstaa in the mirror and all is right with the world.


Okay so this movie starts off at a carnival where Dinda is trying to find her younger sis, Ambar. She seems to be the only one who knows she's missing. Panji, Miko and Kresna on the other hand are playing some carnival games in front of a small crowd of other little gremlins. 

Julia and Edwin are there doing...idk fuck all for all I know. The boyfriend for some reason has headphones on trying to meditate and Julia is telling him to GTFO it. Everyone regroups and Dinda confesses that she can't find Ambar so everyone is now frantically looking for her.

Little does everyone know that Ambar is on a non working ferris wheel. Luckily she has a walkie talkie. Once rescued, she claimed a woman led her up there. Miko suspects it's the Kuntilanak but everyone is quick to shut it down as Dinda defeated her already. Edwin seems to be the outlier since he wasn't even present when shit when down!

Anyway, when they get home Ms. Dona grounds them for 3 days. For little kids...that feels like 20 years and they all collectively sigh in disdain. 

The next day, a woman ring a dings and gasp it's a woman named Karmila who claims to be Dinda's biological mother and wishes to see her long lost daughter. Ms. Dona is no gullible gal and says that she would need to confirm and if what she says is true then....sure. Before Karmila leaves, she has a special ancient ass looking scroll that she request for Dinda to have and takes her leave.

Ooooh but this cannot be kept a secret as Dinda was being a lil sneaky sneak and heard the whole conversation take place. She immediately confronts Ms. Dona. Despite her telling her that she needs to make sure Karmila is who she says she is, Dinda just throws a fucking fit about and takes it personal when she isn't immediately accepting of the situation.

So what does Dinda do?

Little brat was totes ready to run away! Yeah that scroll that was left for her? Directions to her cabin in the woods. Soooo not creepy at all, eh? Luckily Julia, the adult daughter, stops her in time and says she can't go alone. In fact, all her brothers and sisters are willing to join in the journey as well.

So they all go back to Ms. Dona and she is still not approving of her going at all but Dinda guilt trips the fuck out of her and she finally gives her blessing for all of them to pay Karmila a visit. Edwin, Julia's boyfriend, is of course going to accompany all of them.

And that's like half of the movie right there. The rest is pretty obvious. Ms. Dona finds the truth about Karmila and the kiddos plus the adults find out the hard way that there is something a little off about Karmila. And shit goes cray cray from there.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I seriously found this movie to quite the letdown despite it's potential. I try to always see the good in all the movies I see but there was just so many pitfalls for the movie. 

The actor who plays Edwin is downright atrocious. Sorry bro. So there was a scene where he was possessed not once but twice and he looks downright goofy that it truly ruined the movie experience for me. Both instances were supposed to be spooky as hell but he just came off like as a cringy Youtube prankster. The overracting...oh lordy it was sucky. 

Not to mention the massive downgrade in CGI monster effects compared to the first movie. I know I was admittedly a tad critical in the first movie but I take my views back. The effects and visual were downright awful.

Don't even get me started on the number of movie plotholes here...

If I am going to honest here, the child actors were obviously the best part of the movie. I also noticed that this movie isn't marketed as a comedy like the 1st movie was. That's what makes this movie worse. It probably would have been better if they tried to make it a little bit more humorous. Edwin's scenes were probably meant to be comedic relief but only the meditation scenes worked but the possession scenes? Hell to the naw.

Predictable story overall and despite my beyond scathing review for this movie, I'd actually be down to watch this again! Sometimes I just want myself to suffer. Despite the cheesiness of it, I wouldn't sleep on this movie. Maybe it would be good for one of those "it's so bad it's good" kind of movie themed nights but if you are expecting legit horror then by all means skip this movie.

With that being said, what is my verdict?

Laughable graphics and overused plot

If you are interested in watching this movie:

Alright now that you have reached the end of this post and you want to watch it for yourself here are the extra steps you will have to take. AD BLOCKER high recommended! If not then be mindful of the pop up and X out accordingly.

1.) Go to your youtube-to-mp4 converter of choice. A simple Google search will lead you in the right direction. Beware of annoying ads and pops ups. Trust yo gut. 

2.) Convert and download THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO

3.) Head on over to Open Subtitles and download the corresponding english subtitles.

4.) Download VLC media player. Works well on my Amazon Fire tablet and Desktop. I have NOT tried mobile versions.

5.) Make sure upon playing the movie in your media player that you enable the corrects subs to ensure you can view properly.

6.) ENJOY!

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