Angst (1983)

Angst is an Austrian horror film that came out in 1983.

What an insane rollercoaster of a movie this is! Angst is about a murderer who gets released from prison and goes on the prowl for his next victims.

Seen through the eyes of an unnamed murderer but is referred in the movie credits as K, the Psychopath we are introduced to his unrelenting guilt as his internal monologues are throughout the entire movie as he steps out of prison.

His lack of remorse or guilt is palpable as he is now free to roam the streets for his next victim. 

After a couple near encounters, he happens by chance to stumble upon a house occupied by a family of three that he now zeroes in to fulfill his sick desires on.

It's a pretty grotesque movie that I will have no interest in watching ever again. Angst absolutely achieved the torturously eerie atmosphere from beginning to end without a doubt. I feel so disturbed watching this movie in the sense where it almost feels like me, the viewer, is the accomplice and here he is speaking to me of these events as they happen. Makes me want to take a dozen showers to cleanse my aura or some shit. It's realism and graphic nature of the slow torture and murders is pretty soul crushing accompanied with the slow somber soundtrack which captures the disheartening feel of no escape. Even more depressing is that this movie is actually loosely based on a true story. This is absolutely not for the faint hearted one bit, you absolutely need a strong stomach to watch Angst. It was so graphic that upon initial release this movie was banned in many countries across Europe!!!

If this movie had a message, what would it be? Get life alert and a pretty high quality alarm system, bros. And lock your doors, fools! I've seen so many people almost brag online and IRL how their neighborhood is "so safe" they don't lock their doors or windows ever. 😱😱😱

Disclaimers. Absolutely not recommended if you are paranoid over house invasions. And like, dying in general. Which it definitely is mine. I hope I don't have any nightmares about it again 🤞 I don't know why I torture myself. I literally saw Tumbbad three times in one day because of the first womb scene even though it tripped me up so much.

Age demographics? Yowza. Don't let your teens even KNOW about this movie. 

That being said, what is the verdict?

Yes, on the horror scale but I definitely would love Tommy Lee Jones to flashy thing me so I won't have to remember this nightmare fuel.

If you are interested in watch Angst, CLICK HERE to see what streaming services you can watch on via the free streaming guide app JUSTWATCH!! And then bop yourself on the head for watching this monstrosity.

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