Blogs I Also...Blog

Here is a collection of blogs that I have created over the years. Read or not idgaf but it's here. 

Back Up Blog

Backup in case this main one gets yeeted. I currently use it for anecdotes for my TV blog that I can't say on there.

Horrortized TV

My companion blog where I recap (not review) mostly horror tv shows or mini series. Also like this one, it's foreign based but definitely a handful of USA stuff. One episode per post.

My Dream Journal

I used to have some pretty gnarly dreams especially when I was in highscool. I used to physically write down all the dreams worth remembering. Decided to preserve it online. Unfortunately, my physical journal got severely damaged and some papers trashed as a result many of those cool dreams are forever lost media. I am strongly considering refocusing on this journal again as I do have a few entries to add now. Not much but some material.

EDIT: I recently saw I have a fuck ton of my archived dreams in drafts that I forgot to post!!!! I suppose I didn't want to post all at once so I pasted everything in drafts and as usual my dumb ass short attention span went elsewhere. Yooooo.

Metal Covers of Pop Songs

I stuck with this one the longest. My standards were just way too high and I found myself wasting so much time searching than actually finding anything worth posting. Past me wrote pretty cringe stuff so please don't judge me too harshly.

Recap Doctor and Quantum Leap Recaps

Both blogs covered only a singular episode coverage each. Extremely pitiful. I just lack motivation. 

Beyond Bizarre

*NEW* I created this blog so I can share just how cool this super obscure '90s documentary (ish) on oddities around the world. Hosted by Jay Robinson and aired on the Discovery Channel but find so little info on this show so this is a little side project of mine. Slow moving but it's moving.

Small Batch Meals

I recently took more interest in small batch cooking (usually 1 or 2 servings worth) So I created a new blog for that. I try to credit my sources if I can. 

Recipe Digs and Collections

*NEW* It's a food blog. Not sure where I want to go with it. You'll see what I mean shall you click on this. Might delete later who knows.

Not Quite Metal Covers

Short lived blog that was quite self explanatory. Should have been more plentiful than my Metal Covers blog but I started too little too late.

When Pop Covers Metal

Was great in theory but I couldn't find enough material.

Depression Journal

I wrote a lot of deeply disturbing thoughts in there I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing . It was a lot of self loathing narratives. But my journal is out there somewhere.

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